The January issue of Vogue Italia aims to make us think about the relationship between the world of fashion and the world of animals – a delicate and important relationship that is key to defining a future of ethical and sustainable fashion. All the editorial stories in this issue have been created with the best effort to avoid leather and obviously fur – an experiment dedicated to a scenario in which progress in our industry means respect for all creatures and environments.
Animals are representative of a world that live within ours, yet, without a voice that can be heard. The animal issue is a symbolic effort to give them “voice”, or rather, to give voice to the unparalleled love they are able to instigate within us. Reminding us all of the visceral reaction animals elicit was indeed the creative objective of this experiment, and their magical force was the dynamo behind the creative process.
Animal related iconography is ubiquitous: we felt the covers needed a type of depiction that wouldn’t simply represent animals, but that would remind us of the mystical, timeless, almost otherworldly power they hold. From peacefulness to fear, from fairytales to nightmares, animals have been inhabiting our deepest collective imagination and fantasies through millenia. Hence our choice for these symbolic, abstract, at times metaphorical environments in which to portray our protagonists, The bees, key component of a very current discussion on biodiversity, were photographed by iconic and controversial artist Andreas Serrano on his trademark red background, reminiscent of some of his most provocative early work. The sheep and dog idealistic union was commissioned to Korean-German artist Heji Shin, her story was investigating an utopian co-existence of all species under the setting of a mythological blue painted sky. The baby ostrich on void background, whose look brings to mind a study on a primitive creature, holds a very personal family story for artist Alessandra Sanguinetti, while Johnny Dufort’s wolf dog has the difficult role to represent the dark conflict between attraction and fear that the idea of a predator still evoke. Tshabalala Self, a young New York painter known for her mesmerizing depictions of black female figures, painted a black panther and chose to depict it quoting the silhouette of the symbol of the black panther movement.
Inside the issue, models and activist Anja Rubik was invited to shoot a series of self portraits in company of rats, an animal which she recounts having a very close an intimate relationship with, while south african artist Pieter Hugo documents the black mambas, a female-only anti poaching group. From bees to big cats, this issue represents for us an important moment: if its success reminds us of the impact all type of animals have the power to awaken within us, it should remind us of the voice we must remember to give all animals within our plan for the future of the planet we share.
*Ferdinando Vederi is Vogue Italia’s Creative Director
Johnny Dufort

MODEL: Sofia Hansson @ Nordic Model Agency
STYLIST: Lotta Volkova
Body e corpetto realizzati con tessuti di recupero KEZAKO.
Sul viso, Mineral Blend, fondotinta minerale idratante, VICHY.
HAIR: Yann Turchi@ Bryant Artists.
MAKE-UP: Inge Grognard @ MA + World Group.
Dog trainers: Taridu Pinnapola @ La Horde Education Canine, Victorine Reinewald
@ Victorine Dressage.
Heji Shin
Tschabalala Self
Andres Serrano
Johnny Dufort
Alessandra Sanguinetti
Heji Shin
MODEL: Ifrah @ Next
STYLIST: Ai Kamoshita
Body di conchiglie KEZAKO. Sul viso, Teint Idole Ultra Wear Nude, LANCÔME.
HAIR: Christian Eberhard @ MA + World Group.
MAKE-UP: Inge Grognard @ MA + World Group.
Animals: Muriel Dec @ Animal Contact.