ORD - Waiting the flight
ORD - Waiting the flight - O'Hare International Airport of Chicago - Illinois - USA ©Domenico Solimeno OPlease don't use my photo without permission
ORD - Waiting the flight
ORD - Waiting the flight - O'Hare International Airport of Chicago - Illinois - USA ©Domenico Solimeno OPlease don't use my photo without permission
ORD - Waiting the flight
ORD - Waiting the flight - O'Hare International Airport of Chicago - Illinois - USA ©Domenico Solimeno OPlease don't use my photo without permission
ORD - Waiting the flight
ORD - Waiting the flight - O'Hare International Airport of Chicago - Illinois - USA ©Domenico Solimeno OPlease don't use my photo without permission
ORD – Waiting the flight
Si riconosce facilmente il fotografo professionista in mezzo al gregge di turisti: è colui che nasconde la sua macchina.
ORD – Waiting the flight – O’Hare International Airport of Chicago – Illinois – USA